Dave Ramsey, Rachel Cruze, and Chris Hogan did a free Livestream last Thursday evening entitled "What Now? COVID-19 And Your Money!"
In case you missed it, you can still watch it on their website, here.
The Livestream is definitely worth watching but I will do a quick re-cap of their presentations here.
"What Now? COVID-19 And Your Money!"
Dave Ramsey started off the Livestream sharing that for the first time in 30 years, everyone in their company worked from home. He was nervous. As a business owner he cares for his employees and their families and wanted to make sure everyone was taken care of.
He talked about how this pandemic impactedll of us in one way or another and that for many Americans, this should be their "never again" moment. Meaning, if you were not where you wanted to be when this hit the economy (debt-free, emergency fund in place, etc) he recommended that this becomes your never again moment that causes you to make a change.
Rachel Cruze talked about the value of doing a budget and talking about money with your spouse, if you are married. She shared that budgeting is not only something you should do while you are paying off debt, but that it's a great tool to help you to continue to win with money.
Chris Hogan talked about saving for emergencies and retirement. One thing that he mentioned was that many Americans are afraid to talk to a Financial Planner because they are afraid their finances are too much of a mess. This stuck with me because as one of Dave Ramsey's Smartvestor Pros, we would never want people to be afraid to reach out to us. One of our core values is to "have the heart of a teacher" and that is because we enjoy helping and teaching clients!
Dave came back out to wrap up the presentation and talked a little about their new platform, Ramsey+. Ramsey+ has 3 main features: "Learn", "Budget", and "Track". The "Learn" part is Financial Peace University plus other lessons including a budgeting lesson, Smart Money, Smart Kids, and The Legacy Journey. The "Budget" part is Everydollar. And "Track" is a place where you'll be able to track your progress through the baby steps. They are offering a free trial right now as a way to let people try it out since it is new. You can watch the Livestream and learn more about Ramsey+ on their website, here.
If you have any questions about investing or retirement, or anything else that is specific to your financial situation please don't hesitate to reach out to one of us. There are 5 Financial Planners on our team and you can meet us and reach out to one of us here.
June 30, 2020
Whitaker Myers
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