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This pandemic has had an impact on all of us in one way or another and for some people, it may mean that they find themselves changing careers. If this is you, maybe it is a blessing in disguise. While it is not ideal to lose your job, the job loss may be what will push you towards pursing a career and passion that you have always wanted to pursue.

Whether it is due to COVID-19 or another reason, if you find yourself in-between careers right now, here are some books and podcasts that will help equip you to make the most of this change.

7 Podcasts and Books For Career Changes

  • The Proximity Principal by Ramsey Personality, Ken Coleman. - Ken says that 70% of Americans are unhappy with their jobs. In his book, Ken talks about the people and places you need to be connected to in order to get a job you love. You can read more about the book on Dave Ramsey's website, here.

  • The Ken Coleman Show – on his show, Ken applies the principals he teaches in The Proximity Principle to people’s every day life and questions. He answers caller's questions and gives advice on how to find a job you truly enjoy. You can listen to his show and learn more on Ken's website, here.

  • EntreLeadership - The EntreLeadership book is Dave Ramsey’s step-by-step guide for leading your business to success. The EntreLeadership podcast is a great listen for business owners and/or those that are looking to move up in their career. You will hear from leaders and teachers in many different areas of business. It will help you learn how to be a better business owner, leader, and employee. You can learn more about both the EntreLeadership book and podcast on their website, here.

  • The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell – John Maxwell is a wonderful writer and teacher, especially when it comes to business and leadership. This book will be beneficial whether you are looking to be a leader or looking to grow as an employee.

  • The Christy Wright Show – Christy is one of the Ramsey Personalities and she has a passion for business. On her show, she discusses all kinds of personal development topics. Her book and conference, The Business Boutique, are designed to help encourage women to make money doing what they love. You can learn more about her show, book, and conference on her website, here.

  • Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn – This is a great podcast for entrepreneurs. Whether you are starting a side hustle or a full-time business, this podcast will equip you with advice and strategies.

  • The Side Hustle Show – This is another great podcast for entrepreneurs. The advice and interviews you hear will help equip you to start and/or grow a business.

If you are changing jobs and you had a 401(k) with your previous employer, you are eligible to roll that over into an IRA. This can give you more flexibility and control over your money. We have an article that outlines your options for your old 401(k) and you can read that here.

We are always happy to discuss your situation to see if it makes sense for you to roll over your previous employer's 401(k). You can meet our team of advisors and reach out to one of us here.


June 23, 2020

Whitaker Myers

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