If you are a fan of Dave Ramsey, you are likely aware with the concept of spreading out risk with long-term retirement investing by...
The year was 2005 and I was purchasing my first home. It was a small modest ranch with three bedrooms, 1 bathroom and an attached one car...
Before we answer this question, ponder to yourself what you think the number one indictor would be for building wealth and having a...
Do the current prices at the gas pump have you contemplating pulling out your old 10 speed bike buried deep in the back part of the...
I’m sure you have seen the rise in gas prices lately. They started out slowly, increasing gradually, but this past few weeks how can you...
A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax advantage savings account that is created for people who have high-deductible health insurance...
Acquiring life insurance is one of the most important considerations a person can do to protect their loved ones after death. Two of the...
I would like to start off with a basic introduction to retirement-based target date and lifecycle mutual funds: Larger mutual fund...
This is a great question that I get quite often. Many married couples have one income earner in the family and in many circumstances,...
If you are currently holding cash that is above the comfort of your emergency fund, you may be stuck in what is called “analysis...
A few years ago, I had a choice to make. Not a super important one, but even still it was going to affect our family’s monthly budget and...
Here at Whitaker-Myers Wealth Managers, we think it is really important for you to know what your Financial Advisor’s goals are. Knowing...
Now that you have taken the first step and decided to start budgeting, let’s talk about creation of it. When trying to set up a budget,...
This is a common question for many people new to the budgeting world who aren’t quite sure what’s the first thing they should do. Many...
My wife is a high school basketball coach. There are so many times she’ll create a game plan, explain the game plan to the ladies on her...
As parents it is important to be good role models for our children. Dave Ramsey Personality Rachel Cruze states “More is caught than...
I’m not sure if there is an actual definition of success tax, however if I were to locate one, it might state that the Required Minimum...
The word “sinking” can be a little intimidating when you associate it with your money, but in reality, a sinking fund can be a way to...
Do you ever go through something that you know is not going to be pleasant but ultimately is for your own good? I feel that way every...